Thursday, December 31

A New Friend.

I have a new friend...his name is Bailey.

Bailey is a Bernese Mountain Dog. My FAVORITE breed. I have been begging for a puppy for over a year now. Brian said yes right off the bat, but tiny apartment after tiny apartment combined with insane schedules means I'm still waiting. Bailey let me indulge in cuddling him to pieces while I gave puppy eyes to Brian begging once again for a bigger apartment so I could have my puppy.

Hopefully Mandy, Bailey's mom, can stop by for a visit again soon. Maybe we will even take a ride with Bailey down to the farmers market in Waterville we were chatting about. Gotta love grass-fed beef, organic chickens, and milk in glass bottles.


  1. oh Goo! he is sooo Cute!

  2. Can Bailey be my friend too he is soo cute!!!

  3. First of all, you clearly need a puppy to play with this Bailey with you~ Bella LOVESSSS the snow, I'm sure you have lots for a puppy to play in up there!! SEcondly, are you at Northern Outdoors? They have a twitter you can follow ;) You should tweet from the bar. I'm just saying.

  4. Hi Aimee! Yes we are at Northern Outdoors. Bella is more than welcome to come and play in all of the snow! We would love it!

  5. Hey you. Hope you and Brian are keeping warm. I just wanted to say that I know I joked about you guys being crazy to move to such a cold and snowy place but I want you to know how brave I think you are. While the cold weather and snow may not be for my I honor and respect you for taking a risk and looking for your happiness. Love you....Mema
